Illuminating the Abyss #15

Death on hooves cometh..

I’ve been kinda nervous posting up the pics of the centaur as the wip garnered such an overwhelming reaction on all medias. goes!

He was nervewracking to paint as i never pinned the one slim leg that connects him to the base.



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15 thoughts on “Illuminating the Abyss #15

  1. Riot says:

    Thoughts . . . . It’s bloody amazing!!

  2. Wudugast says:

    Simply excellent – well worth having your nerves wracked over mate!

  3. Alex says:

    Oh yeah, this is the one I’ve been waiting for dude… it’s bloody brilliant. I thought it would be, but I can make much more sense of it now it’s painted. I love what I’m seeing – chaotic, bio mechanical, powerful yet weightless. A masterpiece.

  4. Thomas says:

    Insane! Yeah, that pretty much sums it up.

  5. This is soooo much better than my efforts to convert one of the same base models, brilliant inspiration. . .

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