..of Matters Arcane and Magic #38


The end is nigh..poor pun and I know it..

As I mentioned in my first post on this build I made the beast as inhuman as possible and more like a beast made entirely out of the warp.


I played around with more blue and yellow while blending it.


It looks positively strange.


So it was a good test and I’m almost regretful I didn’t do the same with the horrors though I do have have the daemon prince left.


As for the crew..once they where Dawi Zharr..now they just..are..


So that’s basically it. Another if not the most bizarre entry in my warband – what do you think?

Only two posts left in the series..the end is nigh and no pun on that one.


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10 thoughts on “..of Matters Arcane and Magic #38

  1. The colours you use could so easily go wrong but you’ve made them work perfectly. Well done mate

  2. Wudugast says:

    Sheer mad brilliance mate! The skin is particularly strange and Tzeentchian. As a model it’s one of those things that could look rather tacky but you’ve pulled it off with aplomb and that makes it work. πŸ™‚

    • Cheers mate! I’ve had to take several double takes because as you say – it can become tacky real fast! All in all though I’m happy I stuck to it and now I know how to paint the daemon prince which is a major bonus πŸ™‚

  3. Alex says:

    Man, that is one risky paint scheme – brave choice my friend, but you absolutely nailed it. The very definition of Chaos, yet it all manages to ‘makes sense’… Bravo!

  4. Greg says:

    Wow. This is a very impressive piece. I do not think I have seen anything quite like it. The paint job really knocks it out of the park. If I were to read about the color scheme on paper, i don’t know that I would have suspected that it would work. But, from those pictures it sure does. Like a seething mass of warp energy.

    The crew are excellent and diverse, too. I very much like the minotaur’s piercing yellow eyes.

    • Thank you Greg πŸ™‚
      It’s been a very tricky build where I tried to balance everything. If I’d only managed a tortured lump of brutality I would have scrapped it. I’m very happy that from the feedback it confirms what I hoped πŸ™‚

  5. […] I also added blue in the mix which is a daemon flesh colour I’ve reserved for only a select few, like the asscannon. […]

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