Dreadtober #3 – I made it just in time!


With some good hours in painting these last two days I managed to finish Wrecks my Dreadtober entry 🙂

So for those who’ve either forgotten or didn’t know. This is Dreadtober and here’s what my original goal looked like. The WiP post on Wrecks is here.


I opted for an industrial yellow and hazard stripes with the beat down and rusty metal as my scheme.


I also added some blood effects. This is actually Halloween make-up with a gloss varnish on top.


For the base I just went with more or less the same techniques as on the terrain.


I still think the crane operator is a fun little detail.



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11 thoughts on “Dreadtober #3 – I made it just in time!

  1. Thomas says:

    Great work. The paint job is spot on, it so fits your awesome conversion.

  2. Wudugast says:

    Whew, just in time! Wrecks is very cool, may have to loot that idea at some point. Still want to see you get that Stompa done as well though (given how fast you churned out Chaos Knights I’m sure you could get it done in an hour or so!)

  3. greggles says:

    So awesome. I love wrecks. So unique like all of your pieces. I’m really glad you were able to participate as you have such an awesome style!

  4. Todd Sherman says:

    That thing looks wild man! awesome job and the weathering really shows the aged look..

  5. […] I’ve got at least one more build in the same vein as this but I’m going to paint up the other more normal members as well soon. Some more pics here. […]

  6. Joe B. says:

    He’s so odd, and creepy, and awesome! great work on him, loads of character built into him and the paint job is fantastic.

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